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Learn Spanish in Norfolk & Suffolk! Spanish classes and courses

The Spanish Language is fast becoming one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world, currently third after Chinese and English. In recent years, cheap and regular flights to Spain and the Spanish islands have prompted more interest in this diverse and beautiful country. If you want to learn Spanish properly though it is best to do it with a professional Spanish teacher and often with other students in Spanish evening or daytime classes.

Many Brits have opted to retire or relocate to Spain due to the warm climate, affordable properties and relaxed attitude to life. Others have second homes abroad or have discovered that Spanish language learning enhances the experience of travel and broadens the mind.


Likewise, tourism in Latin America and certain parts of the Caribbean is becoming more commonplace. Subsequently, UK schools & colleges are starting to recognise that Spanish classes may be more useful than the traditionally taught French or German and it's actually easier to learn too!

Spanish Classes and Spanish Lessons in Norfolk & Suffolk

Many people are surprised at just how high the demand is for Spanish classes and Spanish courses in Norfolk and Suffolk. The desire to learn Spanish across the region is increasing annually but it can be suprisingly difficult to secure places in the few institutes running courses.

Large Spanish language evening classes are often frustrating, oversubscribed, daunting and inconveniently situated and timetabled. They are also very limited in terms of availability, especially in rural areas.

In addition, not all schools in Norfolk and Suffolk offer Spanish language classes despite its relevance in the modern world.

For this reason Norfolk Spanish has enjoyed popularity by providing quality Spanish tutorial which is accessible and affordable to individuals or small groups. My Spanish courses cover all communication skills; reading, writing, speaking and listening with a focus on conversation but are tailor-made to suit the needs of the student.

Therefore, you can learn Spanish based around your timetable, personal needs and budget!

Online Norfolk Spanish Classes
"Her lessons are well structured and fun. I recommend Heather to anyone wishing to learn about the language to learn or improve their Spanish"
Phil & Felicity
"We both had a very limited knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of Spanish but over the months this has improved and broadened. This has been entirely due to Heatherīs well planned lessons"
Contact Heather Ashdown Tel: 01379 309134 / Email: norfolkspanish@yahoo.co.uk